Curriculum Overview
| Autumn 1 (7 weeks) | Autumn 2 (7.8 weeks) | Spring 1 (5 weeks) | Spring 2 (5.8 weeks) | Summer 1 (6 weeks) | Summer 2 (7.6 weeks) |
English 1 | Entertain: Narrative Adventure Traction Man is Here | Entertain: Narrative Contemporary Fiction Flat Stanley
| Recount: Diary The Baker’s Boy | Entertain: Narrative Dilemma/Social Issue The Hodgeheg | Entertain: Narrative Classic Literature The Tempest (Shakespeare) | Entertain: Poetry The Proper Way to Meet a Hedgehog |
English 2 | Inquire Interview Describe: Description | Describe: Non chronological Geographical Report Antarctica | Entertain: Narrative Contemporary Fiction
Two Terrible Vikings
| Describe Travel brochure Link to Geography unit | Entertain: Narrative Contemporary Fiction Visual literacy A Mouse Called Julian | Describe: Non chronological Geographical Report Skara Brae |
Maths | Number: numbers 10 to 100 Number: calculations within 20 | Number: fluently add and subtract within 10 Number: addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers Number: introduction to multiplication | Number: introduction to multiplication Number: introduction to division Geometry: shape | Geometry: shape Number: addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers Measurement: money
| Number: fractions Measurement: time Geometry: position and direction | Number: multiplication and division Measurement: capacity, volume, mass |
Science | Uses of Everyday Materials
Scientist focus:John Dunlop | Living Things and their Habitats Scientist focus: Richard Sidney Richmond Fitter | Animals, including Humans Scientist focus:Mary Seacole
| STEM Project | Plants Scientist focus:Gertrude Jekyll
| Consolidation and revision of KS1 topics |
History | How has our high street changed or remained the same over time?
Continuity and Change enquiry |
| How do we know about the Great Fire of London? Why was this fire great? Evidential thinking enquiry Significance enquiry
| How much did people’s lives change between the Stone and Iron ages? How do we know about prehistoric Britain? Continuity and Change enquiry Evidential Thinking enquiry
| |
Geography |
| The UK-continents and oceans of the world Where in the world is Flat Stanley? |
| Comparative study Settlements of the UK |
| Geography focus in English unit |
Computing | Computing and Networks Information Technology around us | Creating Media Digital photography | Programming A Robot Algorithms
| Data and Information Pictograms | Creating Media Making Music | Programming B Programming quizzes |
Design and Technology | Food Preparing fruit and vegetables Project: Greek salad | Food Preparing fruit and vegetables Project: Fruit jelly | Mechanisms Wheels and axles Project: Fire engine (Great Fire of London) | Mechanisms Wheels and axles Project: Create an imaginary vehicle | Textiles Templates and joining techniques Project: Finger puppet | Textiles Templates and joining techniques Project: Glove puppet |
Music | Pulse, Rhythm and Pitch How does music help us to make friends? | Playing in an Orchestra How does music teach us about the past? | Inventing a Musical Story How Does Music Make the World a Better Place? | Learning to play the glockenspiel 2 Developing fluency in reading taught notes and learning new notes (Act 3&4) | Exploring Improvisation How Does Music Make Us Happy? | Our Big Concert How does Music Teach Us About Looking After Our Planet? |
Art | Drawing Mark making on different surfaces Music as a stimulus ICT as tool Respond imaginatively to story Draw a group of objects Wassily Kandinsky Howard Hodgkin
| Painting Respond to artists Line, space, colour Shape and pattern Story as stimulus Wassily Kandinsky Anthony Frost | Collage Respond to artist’s work Cut, tear, arrange shapes Respond to Op Art Henri Matisse Bridget Riley Kurt Schwitters
| Printmaking Positive and negative stencils Clay slab using 3 colours Direct prints Printed designs Hans Hofmann Sean Scully | 3-D/Sculpture Use a story as a starting point Make coils with clay Make forms from clay Change form of clay (pinch, pull, smooth) Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri (Aboriginal art) Louise Bourgeois | Textiles Dip Dye Rubbings Indian Relief Printing Blocks Card Wraps Monika Correa |
PSHE/ safeguarding
| Physical & Mental Health | Keeping Safe | Relationships: Friends & Family | Respectful & safe Relationships | Living in the Wider World: Financial Literacy | Health & Wellbeing: Ourselves- Growing & Changing |
RE | How should we care for others and the world, and why does it matter? | Who is Jewish and what do they believe? | Who is a Muslim and what do they believe? (part 2) | How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times? (Part 2) | Who is a Christian and what do they believe? (part 2) | What can we learn from sacred books? |
PE | Introduction to Invasion Games | Introduction to Invasion Games | Gymnastics | Athletics | Cricket | Tennis |