Curriculum Overview
| Autumn 1 (7 weeks) | Autumn 2 (7.8 weeks) | Spring 1 (5 weeks) | Spring 2 (5.8 weeks) | Summer 1 (6 weeks) | Summer 2 (7.6 weeks) |
English 1 | Entertain: Narrative Adventure Varjak Paw
| Entertain: Narrative Adventure A River
| Recount: Indirect Biography Alexander the Great
| Entertain: Narrative Classic Literature Novel Study
Socialise: Apology Note
Recount: Diary
Around the World in 80 days
| Entertain Narrative: Classic Literature (Shakespeare)
Twelfth Night | Entertain: Narrative Fantasy
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory |
English 2 | Describe: Non chronological report Ancient Greece | Instruct Recipe Published recipe examples Describe Menu (if time) Published menu samples | Explain: Historical Argument How did Alexander conquer so much of the known world?
| Entertain: Poetry Rhythm of the Rain Once Upon a Raindrop
| Describe Historical Report Who migrated to Roman Britain? | Entertain: Narrative
The Magic Flute |
Maths | Number: place value Number: addition and subtraction | Measurement: area Number: multiplication and division | Number: multiplication and division Measurement: length and perimeter Number: fractions | Number: fractions Number: decimals | Number: decimals Measurement: money Measurement: time | Geometry: shape Statistics Geometry: position and direction |
Science | States of Matter: Solids, Liquids and Gases
| Living Things and their Habitats | Sound | Animals, including Humans Teeth and Digestion | Electricity | Climate change and Sustainability Antarctica |
History | What can historians learn from sources from Ancient Greece? Evidential thinking enquiry |
| The Roman Empire How did Rome become so powerful?
Causation enquiry |
| Roman Britain What changed in Roman Britain?
Continuity and change enquiry
Geography |
| Rivers |
| Trade Positional significance, human geography History link (Silk Roads) |
| Antarctica
Computing | Computing and Networks The Internet | Creating Media Audio Production
| Programming A Repetition in shapes
| Data and Information Data logging | Creating Media Photo editing | Programming B Repetition in games |
Design and Technology | Project: Food Healthy and varied diet Project: pizza | Food Healthy and varied diet Project: fruit muffin
| Mechanical Systems Levers and linkages Project: story book | Mechanical Systems Levers and linkages
| Electrical systems Simple circuits and switches Project: Torches
| Electrical systems Simple programming and control Project: Illuminated sign |
Music | Musical Structures How does music bring us together?
| Exploring Feelings when you Play How does music connect us with our past?
| Compose with your Friends How Does Music Make the World a Better Place? | Feelings through Music How Does Music Teach Us About our Community? | Learning to play the recorder 2. Developing knowledge of notation in order to play more complex tunes and simple rounds (Act 3&4) | The Show Must go on How Does Music connect Us with the Environment? |
Art | Drawing Respond to a story Linear patterning in natural objects Use own drawings to develop work Landscape as a starting point Fine control with pencil John Brunsdon Vincent Van Gogh | Painting Mix, select and experiment with colour Compare ideas and approaches Georgia O’Keefe JMW Turner | Collage Combine visual qualities Respond to artist’s work Use own images as starting point Compare methods Henri Matisse Francis Bacon Andy Warhol | Printmaking African printmaking Monoprints Print relief blocks Collographs Yinka shonibare | 3-D/Sculpture Cast forms –gummed tape Investigate designs Select and use appropriate materials Clay coils Fabric forming Chiharu Shiota
| Textiles Produce monoprint Dip dye fabric Resist methods Respond to artist’s work Knotting and wrapping Michael Brennand-Wood |
PSHE/ safeguarding
| Physical & Mental Health | Keeping Safe | Relationships: Friends & Family | Respectful & safe Relationships | Living in the Wider World: Financial Literacy | Health & Wellbeing: Ourselves- Growing & Changing |
RE | What can we learn from religions about deciding what is right and wrong? | What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today? (part 2) | What does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today? (Part 2) | Why is Jesus inspiring to some people? | Why are festivals important to religious communities? (part 2) | Why do some people think that life is like a journey and what significant experiences mark this? |
PE | Invasion Games Football | Invasion Games Tag Rugby | Gymnastics /Dance | Artist in Residence -Dance Rambert Dance company
Swimming | Strike and Field Games Cricket Swimming | Net and Wall Games Tennis |
French | Half-term 1: Describing me and others Half-term 2: Saying what I and others have Phonics: the SSC (sound-symbol correspondences) taught this term are: [a] [o] [e] [i] [u] Silent Final Consonant [SFC] -t, -s, -d Silent Final E [SFe] [an/en] open and closed [eu] [ch] [au/eau/o/ô] [on] [ou] Vocabulary: greetings, adjectives to describe mood and character, days of the week, nouns for possessions, positional prepositions in, on, under, ‘I have a present for’ story Grammar: être (singular) regular adjective agreement (-e) with and without pronunciation change, (-eux, -euse) and adjectives already ending in -e, avoir (singular), singular indefinite articles (un, une), intonation questions (including with quoi, où) | Half-term 1: Saying what I and others do Half-term 2: Saying how many and describing things Phonics: the SSC (sound-symbol correspondences) taught this term are: [é/et/ez/er] [è/ê] [oi] [(a)in] [ai] Vocabulary: verbs and nouns to describe a range of activities, numbers 1-12, à meaning at, in, to Grammar: -ER present tense (singular), singular definite articles (le, la), regular plural marking on nouns (-s), plural indefinite article (des), il y a, intonation question (including with combien) | Half-term 1: Describing things and people Half-term 2: Expressing likes and saying what I and others do Phonics: the SSC (sound-symbol correspondences) taught this term are: [SFe] soft [c/ç] [-ien] [qu] [j/soft g] [-tion] Vocabulary: colour and other adjectives to describe animals, story creation, loves and hates, Hungry Caterpillar (rouge), revisit days, Toute une année (jaune) months Grammar: revisit definite articles & adjective agreement, subject pronouns (il/elle) with objects to mean ‘it’, plural definite article (les), using aimer | détester + definite article, revisit intonation questions (including with comment, quand) |