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Curriculum Overview

Year 5 Curriculum Overview 2024-2025


Autumn 1


Autumn 2


Spring 1


Spring 2


Summer 1


Summer 2



Ballad/narrative poem


Classic Poem

The Highwayman



*Narrative: story ending

*Non Chronological Report


Historical Fiction

Children of the Benin Kingdom


Mentor Texts: Non-fiction texts - Ancient Benin

Classic Fiction/significant author





*Persuasive Letter

 Job Applications

Mentor Texts




*Persuade: Speech Speech Writing


Mentor texts - speeches, incl video and sound recording


*Historical Essay

Comparison between London and Baghdad 900CE


*Narrative: Mythical adventure story


Myths and Legends

The Adventures of Odysseus








*Narrative Story:



The Story of the Blue Planet



*Journalistic Writing

Opinion Piece

  Our school (governors’ video)



Number: place value

Number: addition and subtraction

Number: multiplication and division

Number: multiplication and division

Number: fractions

Number: multiplication and division

Number: fractions

Number: decimals and percentages

Number: decimals and percentages

Measurement: perimeter and area


Geometry: shape

Geometry: position and direction 

Number: decimals

Number: decimals

Number: negative numbers

Measurement: converting units

Measurement: volume


Materials: properties and changes of materials

Materials: properties and changes of materials

Earth and Space


Living Things and their Habitats:

Life Cycles of plants and non human animals


Living Things and their Habitats:

Life Cycle of Animals, including Humans: changes as humans grow (RHE link)


How did early Islamic scholarship affect the wider world?


Consequence enquiry




How do we know about the Anglo -Saxons in Britain?


Evidential Thinking enquiry

Causation enquiry






What happened as a result of the Viking invasion?

Consequence enquiry





Our Living Planet


Positional concepts (tropics, latitude, longitude, hemisphere); physical geography-climate zones, biomes 


Field Work

Exploring air quality in the local area



Mapping, key environmental regions, physical and human characteristics; compare UK with another region


Computing and Networks

Sharing Information

Creating Media

Video Production

Programming A

Selection in physical computing

Data and Information

Flat-file databases

Creating Media

Vector drawing

Programming B

Selection in quizzes

Design and Technology


Frame structures

Project: Bird box

Mechanical Systems


Project: Moving Toy


Celebrating culture and seasonality

Project: soup





Celebrating culture and seasonality

Project: vegetarian cottage pie



Electrical Systems

Complex switches and circuits (monitoring and control)

Project: Alarm

Electrical Systems

Complex switches and circuits

(monitoring and control)

Project: Electrical board game


Melody and Harmony in Music

How does music bring us together?


Sing and Play in Different Styles

How does music connect us with our past?

Composing and Chords

How Does Music Make the World a Better Place?

Enjoying Musical Styles

How Does Music Teach Us About our Community?

Whole class instrumental teaching- Ukulele

Developing understanding of musical notation and learning to play a string instrument



Investigate and collect visual information

Enlarge and layer

Use natural form

Use variety of mark makers

Working in the negative


 Frank Auerbach

Vincent Van Gogh



Multi surface images

Develop control of tools and techniques

Use artists work as a  starting point

Chris Ofili

André Derain

Henri Matisse (Fauvist painters)


Reduction block press print

Combining printmaking processes

Responding to the work of printmakers

Michael Rothenstein

Dale Devereux-Barker

Albert Geere



Combine visual and tactile materials

Develop control of tools and techniques

Respond to artist’s work

Dale Devereux-Barker

Patrick Caulfield


Construction and destruction processes

Constructed hangings

Fabric relief panels


Jean Davy Winter

r 3-D/Sculpture

Respond to artists work

Produce sculptural forms


-tissue and PVA

-clay slab forms

Alberto Giacometti



PSHE/ safeguarding


Physical & Mental Health

Keeping Safe

Relationships: Friends & Family

Respectful & safe Relationships

Living in the Wider World: Financial Literacy

Health & Wellbeing: Ourselves- Growing & Changing  (RHE day)




Why do some people think God exists? 

What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today? (part 1)

What matters most to Christians and Humanists?

What would Jesus do? (Can we live by the values of Jesus in the twenty-first century?)

If God is everywhere, why go to a place of worship? Possible RE week or fortnight with a focus on a visit to the church and the mandir


Invasion Games


Invasion Games Hockey




Strike and Field Games


Net and Wall Games Tennis


Half-term 1: Describing me and others

Half-term 2: Saying what I and others have

Phonics: the SSC (sound-symbol correspondences) revisited and/or introduced this term are:


Silent Final Consonant [SFC] |Silent Final E SFe] [a ] [an/am/en/em] [i] [in/im] [qu]

[u] [ou] [on] [au/eau/o/ô] open and closed [eu] We also revisit liaison.


Vocabulary: greetings, adjectives to describe

mood and character, months, numbers 13-31,

dates, nouns and adjectives for places, festivals, physical description, interrogatives qui ? quell ? quelle ?


Grammar: être (plural) regular plural adjective agreement (-s) avoir (plural), singular and plural indefinite articles (un, une, des), intonation questions (including with quoi, où, qui, quand, comment)

Half-term 1: Saying what I and others do

Half-term 2: Saying how many and describing


Phonics: the SSC (sound-symbol

correspondences) revisited and/or taught this

term are: [é/et/ez/er] [è/ê] [oi] [(a)in] [ai]

We also revisit liaison.


Vocabulary: verbs and nouns to describe

activities in school, at the weekend, life in the city and country, journeys


Grammar: -ER present tense (singular) and 1st person plural (we), JOUER + à + sports, ALLER (singular), definite articles (le, la, les), regular plural marking on nouns (-s), indefinite articles (un, une, des), il y a, Est-ce que questions (including with WH-words), negation (ne ... pas)

Half-term 1: Describing things and people

Half-term 2: Expressing likes and saying what I and others do

Phonics: the SSC (sound-symbol

correspondences) revisited and/or taught this

term are: [SFC] |Silent Final E [SFe] soft [c/ç] [ch] [-ien] [qu] [j/soft g] [-tion] We also revisit liaison.


Vocabulary: verbs and nouns to describe

sports, playing instruments, activities in

different countries, life at home, home town,

requesting food and drink


Grammar: FAIRE (singular), weather

expressions with faire, faire vs. jouer with

sports, jouer + de + instruments, pronoun on

meaning you (general) and we, 2-verb

structures (aimer, detester, devoir, vouloir,

pouvoir - singular)

Educational Visits

Young V&A Kensington

Religious Education, History


Tate Modern OR Estorick Collection


Natural History Museum





British Museum



Local Field Study


Bank of England


Local Synagogue



Residential -Chester


